How a Web Based Active Directory Management tool can improve your AD Administration
Active Directory is a preliminary infrastructure many organization from small to enterprise. It provides a centralized user management with privileged access control. While it has great features and security, a web based utility can enhance the management of it. There are many situations where a Web Managed Active Directory Management can help you streamline the process. These are few occasions why AD WebTM type of web management tool is important for you.
- Manage your AD without logging into the AD server.
- Manage from Anywhere. No need to stay at you network.
- You need to quickly unlock a user while on go.
- You want to give restricted access to other administrators and don’t want to allow them to touch your AD server.
- You are hosting your clients and want to give them access to manage their users themselves.
- You may want to allow users for self-management such as Forgotten Password Reset, Password expiry notification, change profile info etc.
- May like to streamline the process through an automated email notification system.
- And more…
These are some use cases but there are lot of need around a proper web based AD management tool. Here is where AD WebTM comes around. Here are few key notes about the AD Web features but there are more it can do.
- Use any domain as UPN (User Principal Name).
- Manage multiple Active Directories at one place.
- Bulk Users Creation with minimal effort.
- User Import and Export.
- Intuitive full text search to find users, OUs and Groups quickly.
- Useful Email notifications during User Creation, Forgot Password, Unlock Users, Password expiration alert and more.
- Customizable Email Templates.
- Privileged access using Domain admin and OU Admin roles.
- User Self-Management for Password Reset, Forgotten Password Reset, Profile update etc.
- Responsive to all devices including Mobile browsers.
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