News & Events

Parallels RAS 17.1.2 Customization demo has been placed

Parallels RAS 17.1.2 Customization demo has been placed

It is time for us to place the full featured Parallels RAS 17.1.2 Customization demo. A simple green cloud design was taken as theme. We have implemented all our custom features such as Announcements, Links, Twitter feed, AD info, Downloads, Documents etc. The IAdmin link has been placed inside the demo so the user can explore our IAdmin module as well. We will be adding Forgot Password and Forgot Username modules shortly to the login page which will work similar to our StoreFront or RD Web Demos.

Watch out the cool new Parallels RAS 17.1 HTML5 Gateway demo.

Click Here >> to read more about Parallels RAS HTML5 Gateway customization

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